4 Things to Know About Molecular Diagnostic Software

By Psychē Systems

By Martin Adams on Unsplash
By Martin Adams on Unsplash

If you and your team run your lab like most other labs, there are a few commonalities you know you’ll share. You work long hours. You have a molecular diagnostic software. There’s also a lot of stress from wanting to deliver your best results. There’s a lot of regular stress, and sometimes your software doesn’t help things. 

When your team gets a new molecular diagnostic software, or MDS, it should be a great day in the office. Your team is hopefully excited about new tech that will interface with tools throughout the lab and make everyone’s job easier. 

At Psyche Medical Laboratory, we strive to provide molecular software that helps our clients reach their full potential at their labs. These labs are across the countries and have a wide range of success with our products.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about molecular diagnostic software.

Your MDS Should Work for You

If your MDS isn’t highly configurable and able to run batch testing quickly and efficiently, you already have a problem. Your software is something you and others will use every day. Make sure it’s a software that works for you. Your software should be able to run PCR, FISH, karyotyping, immunology, and DNA sequencing with no issues or extra steps. If it doesn’t, it might be time to invest in new software.

Success Comes to Those Willing to Invest

Keep in mind that good software can sometimes come with a heftier price tag. That being said, there’s still the idea that you’ll be using it every day and it can make or break your lab. Finding a software that fits your budget and gives your team its best chance at success is imperative to your long-term goals.

Startup Mindset Even in Established Labs

Keeping a startup mindset in a large, established lab can sometimes feel challenging, but it’s worth it. Every member of your team should be mentally checked in when they’re at work. They should also understand that fast, great results are the best thing you can provide for the patients. Having a hungry and eager yet humble startup mindset when working with your MDS will make a world of difference.

Your Results Are Only as Good as Your Lab Software & Techniques

When you use tools that are old, worn out, or maybe don’t quite fit the job right, it will show in your production. The same can be said for using a technique that doesn’t quite fit your workflow: it shows in your final product. Finding an MDS that will move mountains to make sure you get the results you need will show in your final product. Your team will notice, and so will your patients. 

Whether you’re in the market for a new MDS or your lab currently has software that’s just ok, you’re here for a reason. We’d love for you to contact us today. We offer demos of our products. We can also talk through any upgrades you’re hoping to take away from your current MDS and onto our software.